Smartphone Democracy – steered by People Power.
We strongly believe that currently there are insufficient checks and balances on Earth’s overall management.
We need to start One Planet thinking right NOW.
- Smartphone Democracy will be the first global resource to be 100% owned by every living person on the planet (not governments, private corporations or political or religious bodies). Each person will get one vote.
- It will develop as an independent, comprehensive information resource that is trusted by all living persons
- Every person will have the power to identify matters of importance to the planet’s well-being and ensure their concerns will be fully researched and the conclusions published (being well balance covering both positive and negative issues)
- Every person will then get the opportunity to vote on issues deemed to be important to planet welfare to gain genuine consensus. Any voting undertaken by Smartphone Democracy which has a 66.66% success rate (or higher) will become Smartphone Democracy policy and rigorously pursued/defended (until reviewed/updated). As a completely unbiased resource, monitored and funded by its owners (planet earth people), Smartphone Democracy will be well-trusted.
As a completely unbiased resource, monitored and funded by its owners (planet earth people), Smartphone Democracy will be well-trusted.
As a global independent resource, it will become significantly influential to all political regimes, global corporations, local governments and, indeed, used frequently by every living person.
On consumer buying issues, better-informed buyers will directly affect the behaviour of any business deemed to be acting in an unethical manner.
Having a single organisation steered only by People Power will be a massive step forward towards creating a happier, safer world not just for mankind but for all other living creatures – both on the planet and, perhaps, beyond!
One Planet – One Nation (helping to develop a new world order)
Start small think BIG