This is probably one of the few starting points we have left to secure long-term peace, security and stability across planet earth. Sadly, we are the most ‘uncivilised’ species to have ever existed on this beautiful planet, despite being able to deliver ever-increasing technological genius. So, why can’t we just use our technological superiority to solve the planet’s governance issues and avoid climate catastrophe?
Climate control will not be completely achieved, without some effective global change in political thinking. No easy task. Ideally, we need a benevolent dictator who is waiting in the wings to take control. Most likely, any rescue mission, will be due mankind’s own collective efforts. Right now, one individual person and one individual country, might be a ‘recruitable’ candidate to undertake this crucial job. The key question is how?
My goal in preparing this summary document is to suggest a ‘feasible process’ in which sufficient UK people could possibly be energised and insist that the UK government holds a full parliamentary debate on how we can best encourage Ukraine to introduce a completely new style of governance – post Putin. President Zelensky requires a colossal amount of genuine support to succeed. Thankfully, this support appears ongoing. But it’s going to be a lot more than weapons that’s needed to secure Ukraine’s successful transition from a Russian-type dictatorship to one that might appear to be more similar to the US style of western capitalism. He will be required to take great care to ensure his country doesn’t just ‘jump out of the pan’ and ‘into the fire’ in the political process.
No county is more deserving than Ukraine to spearhead a Planet-Earth-Change event that leads to a safer and more prosperous world. This needs to become the Ukraine’s timeless legacy.
Our finite planet has increasingly scarce resources to offer humanity. In addition, the resources we do have, are blatantly unequally shared. Conflict becomes inevitable as each political/military cohort tries to achieve mastery over each other’s regime. In a truly civilised world, we would automatically share resources equally, whilst at the same time, give every living person the chance to exert real influence over their daily lives. Both Communist and Western Capitalist systems fall massively short in delivering any lasting global change in both these directions. This must be changed.
Humanity desperately seeks a mantra that everyone worldwide collectively shares and can truly believe in;
‘One Planet – One Nation’ is one such possibility. Every living person needs to be sufficiently self-motivated to recite it each day, and not be fully satisfied until they know that they have personally taken one positive action that day, to move our planet closer to global happiness. Imagine how many long-term benefits could be achieved?
President Zelensky is the only person with sufficient global trust, personal dignity and courage to convert a ‘Mission Impossible’ situation into ‘Mission Deliverable’ result. His charisma could be that spark that finally gets the political ball rolling.
The starting point of any change required must be short, simple and profound. It must not require any immediate rewire of any country’s current political process, a situation that no major political system or global commercial interests would tolerate anyway. Ukraine is different. It can be encouraged by the UK government (or by any other body, including the UN) to introduce a different type of democracy to our planet, one that incorporates latest technology in new and exciting ways.
‘First past the post decisions’ in most western capitalist systems have clearly shown that they no longer work in today’s media dominated world. The UK’s ongoing Brexit chaos and recent US Presidential results and the resulting civil unrest in Washington DC provide clear proof of this. Ukraine needs to begin a process which has a new basis.
Stage One – The existing political process of Ukraine remains largely as is. The parliamentarians debate policy and take decisions. What will be different now, is that for any decision to move forward, there will need to be at least a 66.67% support of all the parliamentarian’s voting. Having reached this point, the process then moves on towards
Stage Two – Each voting Ukrainian will use their smartphone App to review and analyse the voting processes to date.
They will then get the opportunity to either endorse or reject the decision being proposed. If over 66.67% of the voting population vote YES, then that proposal is formally adopted. Complete transparency will be delivered throughout the process.
This simple change of voting percentage will always ensure that twice as many voters have approved the action, over those rejecting it. Voting results below the required percentage to proceed will require parliamentarians to revise/tweak the proposal, having fully incorporated the people’s views before allowing a revote. Trusted sampling techniques could be employed.
Ukraine people will be the first nation in the world where its people actually get the chance to become actively involved in every key voting process. The ‘you get what you wish for’ dream will finally become a reality – for at least 2/3 of their people anyway (not 52%, leaving 48% completely dissatisfied and capable of significant disruption).
In the situation of a political stalemate, Step One could be temporarily waived with Step Two taking control. This might energise politicians.
The success of this new process (both in fairness and popularity) will enthuse people throughout the world to start their own transition towards this system of governance in their country. When it eventually becomes adopted planet-wide, it will be a planetary Game Changer that is so desperately needed and deserved.
If these actions can be combined with a more co-operative space exploration programme, quicker interplanetary discoveries will ensure Earth finally resolves current scarcity issues on our planet.
Eventually, with abundance achieved everywhere, the Earth can quickly transition towards its pre-industrial health condition. Actions taken by Ukraine and President Zelensky offer a massive to instigate true Global Change.
I am not a politician; I would therefore like ask each reader to review this summary and suggest ideas to either ‘sharpened it up’ or suggest alternative ways to get Zelensky’s initial interest.
In the UK, we can ‘first foot’ this process by requiring the UK parliament to debate the proposal. Our collective energy will also be needed to find additional ways to get the President firmly sold on the idea. Achieving Zelensky’s support will start a domino effect across the world to encourage change. Finally, we will have created a Perfect Planet and a potential rulebook to guide the cosmos towards achieving everlasting peace and prosperity.
Exciting times lie ahead. I look forward to receiving your support and your ideas to help move forward. Thank You.
Ian Linnegan
Two further issues will need urgent debate during Zelensky’s Presidency of Ukraine.
1. The UN is formally expanded. Every individual family across the whole planet needs to be given basic tools including access to a solar powered smartphone. The UN will start to create a ‘Global’ education curriculum and through the new satellite/communications network, provide comprehensive teaching content in every language to every country. Every voting UN member must agree to, and actively support this proposal.
2. We must finally resolve the continued on-going inequality between have and have not countries. Most countries will never have the financial resources to get involved in interplanetary exploration and therefore its people will never reap any of the potential benefits.
We should therefore start right NOW through existing UN processes, to ensure that ALL ‘outside’ earth assets/resources retrieved from any planet, asteroid or moon within the Solar System are collectively owned by all living persons. We will need to temporarily ignore the current unfair practices on Planet Earth. It is more important get this concept discussed and agreed to resources found within the solar system. Exploration of other Solar systems will have no pre-conditions.
The UN will issue licences and charge taxes for commodities interchanged throughout the solar system and use AI to ensure fairness of distribution of any surpluses to all the planet’s people, starting with the poorest. Space explorers will get properly rewarded for risks undertaken. As we further develop as an interplanetary species, each voting person will continue to receive full equal voting rights, regardless of where they work or live in the Solar System. In time, everyone will become millionaires.
Job done!
Carp Diem