Press Release – Developing a Successful Solar System

Fact – Creating a fully functioning Solar System requires a monumental collaborative effort.

It must reflect the collective will of every living person of voting age, whichever planet, moon or asteroid they might finally choose to live or work on. It can be done. We must think positive.
The peaceful and happy civilisation people dreamt of during the Woodstock era (circa 1969), sadly turned out to be simply ‘light years away’. Since Year 2000, planet earth has gone scarily backwards each year and with the current Ukraine/Russia war, humanity might never get to see 2025!

Planet Earth needs a massive re-think if it is to continue to support an intelligent lifeform travelling across the cosmos. Despite amazing technological advancement, increasing pessimism, hopelessness and despair is still a daily experience felt by millions. Simply allowing the top .01% rich and powerful people and oligarchs to continue their path to unprecedented future wealth, while ignoring poverty, simply adds fuel to the fire in a race to oblivion. Humanities collective effort to try and square the circle has spectacularly failed. Four of the impossible ‘straight’ bits include:

1. Individual human greed. Cunning and cumulative deceit throughout the centuries. Individuals always seek new ways to accrue wealth whilst subjugating millions without remorse.
2. Conflict between western democracy/communist and religious ideologies is never-ending.
3. Current increased nuclear threat highlighted by the Ukraine/Russia war.
4. Increased scarce resources across the planet and the inevitable climate change consequences.

‘One Planet – One nation’ thinking – needs to become the daily mantra cited by each living person on the planet, every single day.

So where do we start? What sort of new type of governance can be created and continued?

One thing is for certain – the continued friction between western capitalism and communist ideologies is not the answer. It hasn’t worked yet! Neither regime is going to give up on their own belief system. Both practices also have the potential nuclear capability to enforce their own continued practice.

Both ideologies did have good intentions at the outset but inevitably, over time, cunning individuals have found ways to cleverly exploit and manipulate these ideologies to their own personal advantage. These include creating ‘fake’ democracies and manipulating communist theories to create dictatorships, such as we see in Russia today. In each case, it’s not the founding principles that were intrinsically bad – it’s just how these have been craftily corrupted to achieve outcomes never initially dreamed of.

The current threat of civil unrest in the USA, is based on the blatant inequality of the western capitalist system and is being used in Trump’s fake media to make things worse, solely for his own personal gain. Should he have succeeded in the last US elections, things may have turned out much worse. He could then have gone on to use to impose a state of emergency to supress increasing violence (which he purposely created) to then go on to impose his own sanctions, ironically not too dissimilar to those his friend Putin enjoys. How dangerous could there coming together have been (white supremacy may be their common ultimate goal?)

So, what about choosing the China model instead? We all want cheap goods, but who makes them?
Most people are aware of the plight of Muslims in the Uyghur forced labour camps in China, but what is not so well known, especially in western societies, is that many large western capitalists are in direct collusion with China’s operations, profit being their common motive.

It has been found that Amazon, Apple, Adidas, Nike, H&M (source
are just a few of the western companies directly or indirectly benefiting from the use of Uyghur workers, many who are forced away from their homelands to work in factories in the rest of China.

The whole system is rotten – left or right. What is needed is a completely fresh start, a different way to start to manage our planet better and prepare us for a smooth, exciting, long-term adventure into exploring the cosmos – man’s ultimate destiny.

This political entanglement situation spills over into UN operations. It is difficult to get agreement on almost any issue – due to historic, intractable, political differences and power struggles. Endless debate encourages delays and results in ‘watered down’ actions. It’s a hopeless situation. “Everybody has to be made to be responsible for everything”

If this principle is applied, it is an important step for mankind – towards developing happy and wealthy civilisations across the whole cosmos.

The Ukrainian people have suffered so much, they deserve the chance to take the lead in creating a completely new style of country governance, to one which might ultimately become the framework for how other countries transform and ultimately, how we can manage the entire Solar System.

The new style of governance may be labelled ‘Ukraine Style Governance – Smartphone Democracy’.
Will Ukraine accept the challenge of being the first country, post-war to adopt such a system? or will it be the usual ‘Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire’ situation swapping one bad regime for another?

President Zelenskyy will need to make some difficult decisions to deliver the success his country so richly deserves. They deserve to take the lead of changing history with the success of a new style of country governance. Many argue the West and Russia were both equally responsible for the current situation in Ukraine. Their success must never to be guaranteed.

To move forward Zelenskyy will need to throw off the all the last remnants of Russian corruption practices still operating within his country and second, he needs to be astute enough not to take steps that might eventually result in his country being pushed to develop a mirror-like copy of the style of governance found in many western countries. The boundless support the western allies are currently offering may come with a long-term price tag. Re-financing instruments including the use of US/EU government loans, coupled with certain global fund manager’s backing, needs critical impartial analysis.

The new style of governance must be neither communist nor capitalist base. It also needs to have the potential to be copied and work globally throughout the solar system as humanity finally becomes extra-terrestrial.
How could it work in Ukraine?

The good news is the existing parliament style system in Ukraine can remain largely unchanged at the start. The transition to a process involves a two-stage process. Stage 1 and then Stage 2.

Stage 1

Any vote which takes place within the existing Ukraine parliament will require at least a 2/3 majority before it can progress the next step.

This confirms that there is twice as parliamentarians voted for the action than those that didn’t.
Recent history has shown the ‘First past the post’ type of operations no longer works in a mature democracy. The situation of the Brexit referendum and the UK’s exit from Europe is a good example of why it no longer works. The UK’s exit would from the EU would never have happened if the referendum had applied a 2/3 ruling. The result was 52% for and 48% against, leaving the country spilt right down the middle – the resulting conflicts are long lasting and on-going. This was a massive mistake made by the UK parliament. The recent US presidential results created even more unrest.

In the Ukraine, before its parliament makes any final decisions on new legislation (Stage 1) will need to provide its voters a clear, transparent and full disclosure of intended legislation and consequences to enable its people to properly assess and weigh up the expected outcomes.

Stage 2

A smartphone App known as ‘The People’s Choice’ will then be available to every Ukraine person registered to vote. Each person will then be able to either approve or decline. If a 2/3 majority is also achieved by this process the action will be officially become law. Full disclosure will appear on the parliament’s official website – in effect it is votes from the two houses.

If the People’s Vote is lower than 66.67%, the parliament will be required to review/revise/amend the information originally published, giving voters a chance to re-assess before confirming a second Yes or No vote. If a second passing also fails, the legislation may need to be dropped completely or put on hold for a minimum 6 months awaiting further amendment.

This new process changes everything. By getting all voting members of the public actively involved, we can finally see how we can deliver that ‘Giant Leap Forward’ promised by Neil Armstrong as he stepped down from his space craft to the moon back in 1969.

Planet Earth needs to create a new feeling of optimism across the whole planet. Given countless past failures it must be a genuine planet-wide expectation that future joy, prosperity and wealth share can finally become a reality. One Planet – One Nation thinking must be at the heart of a functioning global management system, understood and believed by all – finally abolishing any difference between the rich or poor nations. How far are we away from this today?

To make these changes and make them work there is one final decision we all must make. How to resolve the planet’s wealth redistribution issue for ever?

The Earth is what it is. This change will not be easy. To do this the UN will need to be completely revamped, with its powers greatly extended. Sharing wealth better on planet earth is very complex process, ownership especially land is a massive issue to resolve. Attempting to change this now will probably lead to even greater conflict across the world than we already have.

For this reason, changes to earth’s allocation of resources needs to be put on hold, until other key issues are tackled and finally resolved. We will need to extend UN authority to enable it to make some big decisions for the collective good of humanity (not based on opinions from politicians, global corporations or religious factions).

1. The UN will pass a declaration that, excluding all existing earth resources and operations, all the assets derived from planets, moons and asteroids within THIS solar system, will belong equally to all people of planet earth and eventually all those working within the solar system This includes all minerals and resources mined and shipped within the system. AI systems will be created to quantify this global value, continuously update its value, and lastly make share-outs when appropriate. Exploration and rewards outside the solar system will be deemed laissez-faire.

2. UN will shift space exploration to the second top priority for the human species. First, it will issue exploration licences to corporations or countries outlining where and when to explore. Second, it will pay explorers handsome revenues on any commodities initially returned to earth. The highest rewards will be to those deemed most important to Earth’s continued survival and further expansion. With unbounded resources available to the current world and new technologies, our current scarcity will be transformed to one of unbounded plenty.

3. The UN will maintain a combined military force, made up from UN members. It will be stronger than that of any one country or group of countries including US, China, India and Russia. A moratorium will be declared to remove all nuclear weapons from each country before 2030. These weapons will remain in ownership of each country but will be collectively stored underground in Antarctica until either a safe method of disposal is developed or at end of the moratorium, the UN declares they can be returned to original country of origin.

4. Each UN member country that has a non-nuclear military capability will still be allowed to keep it until it is deemed unnecessary (when?).

5. The UN will also need to develop a separate tax system to better share the wealth of the super-rich. It must start to encourage a benefactor-based culture not our current greed-based culture. The wealthy must have their wealth made completely transparent. This wealth redistribution (NOT income tax) needs to be assessed and then paid directly to the UN. It must initially be used on projects to improve the life of poorer people. The wealth lies with just a few individuals, so it should be relatively easy to collect and administer. Countries will continue to tax its ordinary members in the usual way – income tax and VAT.

What will our current dictators, capitalist or communist politicians, corporations or religious leaders think of some of these ideas? Probably not unimpressed, and unless a benevolent military dictator takes initial control, change is likely to be slow. For this reason, we need to encourage the planet’s current decision makers to start by taking a few small steps – sowing the seeds. These might include:

Current UN members are allowed to discuss whether they would like to support a new political process in Ukraine to help rebuild their country after the war is over. Of course, It would need to be passed by 2/3 of its members!

President Zelensky could then be actively encouraged to poll his country’s people to see if they like to try out the idea of a two-stage process and the use of smartphones by the people to ratify their own parliament’s decision-making process.

UN members are allowed to debate how fair is it that only be a few wealthy corporations and competing nations that will be able to fund future space exploration and, by default, then have the right to then take full ownership of the assets acquired leaving people in poorer countries forever disadvantaged?

One can only imagine if every living person had the chance to vote on this issue, what the result would be, ‘fair’ or ‘unfair’? If the result was deemed ‘unfair’ what would then happen?
Sadly, it’s the cumulative effect of the historical decisions mankind has taken over centuries that got civilisation into its current position.

Perhaps the natural process of creating an intelligent species has been played out billions of times in other solar systems, each with the same result. Most intelligent lifeforms are destined to reach a tipping point at some time or other – unless it is incredibly successful in beating the odds and achieving successful interplanetary co-operation. We need to be in the successful camp.

I feel strongly that unless space exploration goes out and discovers scarce resources AND this is done quickly PLUS these new resources then get fairly shared with everyone, the Fermi Paradox may continue to hold true. Our tipping point may have been reached but let’s try to think positive.

If we are not alone in the universe, perhaps other advanced extra-terrestrials species have already put our planet into ‘quarantine’ in an isolated universe and, until we learn to behave ourselves and curb certain human behaviours such as aggression, corruption and greed, that’s exactly where we’ll stay. Forbidden for eternity of being invited to join the ‘happy’ club!

I hope you enjoyed the read and the ideas are positively provocative. All I can ask is for you is to review this paper, and possibly provide feedback, thinking of one positive action to take and actually doing it. I have purchased a website which now needs development to become a world leader in offering an unbiased and independent source of data for the planet

Thank you, Ian Linnegan
(44) 7973-330-324