What is happening right now on planet earth both in the Ukraine/Russia war and the Hamas/Israeli conflict is simply disgusting. It’s a gruesome snapshot of just two of the many terrible things currently happening across our whole planet right now, but never reported. This carnage must stop immediately.
NATO needs to be given sufficient independence to stop events like this ever happening, and the tools to implement immediate cessation of any of these activities, if they do. EVERY LIFE MATTERS and should be individually accounted for.
Quite simply, there is insufficient political will across the whole planet to implement this within NATO.
This questions if our politicians really care about the collective wellbeing of every person on the planet – are people just simply just cannon fodder, as in in Putin’s thinking.
Sadly, no one is perfect. Each one of us has a set of collective prejudices that builds up from the very day we take our first breath. These include:
Colour of person’s skin, sex, religious teachings, education, political persuasion etc and all these experiences add up to the complexity of who we become. Unfortunately, issues like greed, corruption, desire for power also adds to the complexity of each individual personality that is finally created.
Nonetheless, in the war situations we get currently exposed to in the news leaves most human beings totally disgusted and saddened. Hopelessness is inevitable as people feel completely powerless to change anything.
Every single person should have a clear message on what everybody else is thinking on our planet and then decide what’s best for he collective good for planet Earth. We need more truthful data but we simply don’t get it. Information is deliberately withheld or never collected. A simple statement which needs to get signed off by every living person is the required starting point.
- I do not fear any physical harm.
- I am not fearful of expressing my opinions truthfully.
- I am well nourished.
- I have a basic education, able to read and write and use a smartphone
I have no idea of what the results of a global survey, if it could ever be conducted, might reveal.
This is why we need it.
Over the last 100 years or so the ‘let them eat cake’ quote has been skilfully morphed by the leading classes to
‘just let them fight over the crumbs’ proposition. The CCP party quickly developed therir middle-class status in China as they saw its benefit in helping to achieve the ‘divide and rule’ principle.
Educated people are just as as likely to be fooled into believing false realities, based on the hype and fake news. Putin’s and Trump’s control over the media shows there can be clear proof of successful indoctrination at any level.
‘One Planet – One Nation’ must be the first global mantra to be willingly shared by everyone.
No person should ever feel truly content until they genuinely know that this feeling is shared by everyone else, worldwide.
Who is the benevolent dictator who can makes things right – on Earth, or anywhere else in the Cosmos?
The new WMD mindset is Weapons of Mass Devotion!! Ask Putin.